1. Refrigerators have two compartments of different functions: refrigerator and freezer with termperatur each max 4 ° C and -4 ° C.
2. Basically, the food or food ingredient that is stored in the refrigerator will remain for decay if stored over a predetermined shelf life. Refrigerator serves to slow the decay process, not eliminate. So make sure the electricity is stable and good maintenance in order to keep the refrigerators running task with excellence.
3. Always store materials that have been cleaned. Do not forget to use a sealed plastic containers for meat, fish, fruit and dairy products (butter, yogurt, fresh milk & cheese)
4. Never use a container made of metal for a long time. Type of metal that is safe, if forced to use it, is stainless steel and should still be sealed in order to avoid unwanted reactions from food contact and metal.
5. Do not keep cooked foods that are new and still heat directly into the refrigerator. In addition to speed up the spoiled food due to uneven cooling, it is also damaging the refrigerator itself.
6. For fruit and vegetables, use a perforated plastic bag for ventilation in order to survive long. A sealed plastic bag causes the rapid decay of fruit and vegetables because there is no air flow.
7. If using a freezer to store food and food ingredients together, place the cooked dish is always at the top. Do not let the droplets of liquid from meat, fish or other cooked dishes fall into.
8. Also, do not put anything on top of mold ice cubes in the freezer. You definitely do not want to serve ice fish fishy flavor syrup for ice tertetesi water from the storage bag of fish.
9. Refrigerator is not the last place of the dish that still want to keep. Be sure to clean the fridge from the occasional dish that has been stored too long.
10. To be practical and safe for health, give dates of any food or dishes are stored so that you know the age of the food that you store in refrigerator.
11. Now a lot of available container (container) with quality food grade plastic. These containers can be a good choice because it can be used for a long time because the material was air-tight and adjusted to maintain the quality of food.
12. For fresh dairy products and derivatives, limit to consume up to 1 day before the due date of expiry. This product may be damaged before the expiration date on them due to poor handling or power outages occur more than 2 hours.
13. Refrigerator defrost older models have a process (removing frost), this is a good time to clean the cabinets. Ideally 6 months and not have to poke with a sharp frost in order to escape.
14. Do not take the frost to be consumed, such as a cooler for a glass of syrup. It is possible to melt when there are some bacteria that live again.
15. Cooking ingredients such as onions and potatoes do not need to be stored in a refrigerator. Simply keep it away from sunlight, excessive heat or humidity.
16. Rice, wheat flour and the like can be placed on a floor covered with wood to avoid direct contact. To be more safe and durable, the rice should ideally be stored in a plastic container with a lid. Do not give them the opportunity fleas or rodents enjoy rice yours.
17. For spices, dry powder, sugar and salt, use containers made of glass-covered. Bottles of food materials can be used after rinsed clean and dried. Do not forget to attach labels that match the content to not have to happen unnecessary mistakes.
18. Herbs can also be stored in the refrigerator wrapped in paper or plastic to retain moisture so that the juice or scent needed will not evaporate and dry. Keep in refrigerator bottom drawer.
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